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The Launch of Google Real Time Search Engine

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Just a few days ago Google has introduced real time search into their popularly loved search results, which now brings real time searching to our fingertips. Google has presented a new form of search that allows the masses to feed their ever-growing increased need for immediate and timely information. With Facebook, text messages and instant messaging growing as increasingly popular communication channels Google is now providing another inlet for instant satisfaction.

What do we get with this new real time search? Well, first off, one of the most prominent features you may notice is that you can now access tweets from Twitter, both trending global and local news and blog content directly mixed into your search results within the 1st page of Google. The search data also accesses newly created web pages and freshly updated web pages. It also includes FriendFeed updates, Jaiku updates, updates and TwitArmy update. Google’s search engine will provide you the latest results on the topic of your choice. You will see near the top of the results page on Google the latest updates scrolling. One example where this can be very useful is if there is a natural disaster such as a fire near your community or else where you can simply type in the location of your interest and fire in a Google search query and you will be able to stay abreast of the latest updates in real time. Soon Google may begin to include content from Facebook and MySpace in its real time search results as well. The Google real time search results provide a variety of resources that can help you access consistently updated a fresh information all in one easy to use location.

Also, included in real time search we have what is called the drilldown. You can see in the left column a choice of images, videos, news, blogs, updates, books and forums. Then you have your choice of dates. The topic can also streamline the search to the latest, past hour, past 24 hours, past week, past year or a specific date range that you’re looking for. The results in the feedback have been totally incredible. People are saying that Google has once again raised the playing field in the search engine business. Although, other search engines had attempted similar launches of real time search in the past and failed, Google seems to have integrated into their search results in a fashion that will be widely accepted and successful. It goes to show you that Google has been learning from their competitor’s mistakes.

Presently, what Google is not doing is allowing you to explore the most popular links just tweeted which is available on Bing. But, Google Trends topics are popular based upon searches entered in Google.

Right now Google is the people’s searched engine of choice for accurate and complete research information at their fingertips. So, once again, you can see that Google is now moving into real time information on the internet and continues to be the leader in the search engine industry.